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Healthy sleep habits are one of the most important practices you can develop. Sleep is essential to a healthy functioning brain and body because the act of sleep gives the body time to cleanse itself of toxins that accumulate throughout the day. Sleep also strengthens the immune system against oxidative stress. As we know, being human is hard. The daily stresses (big or small) keep us up at night tossing, turning and trying to figure out how to solve all our problems; usually occurring at 3am.


Our Dream Capsules were intended to help you relax without the groggy feeling the next day. These  capsules contain Cannabinol (CBN), L-theanine, and Passion Flower. This powerful blend helps increase GABA in the brain; leaving you stress free and relaxed.


We provide quality customer service to ensure you feel empowered and understand how to use this productPlease reach out to use to discuss use instructions. You can also access interviews with medical professionals about dosing and medication interactions on our private Facebook page.

Adaptogen Dream Capsules

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