With the influx of CBD products hitting the market; now more than ever is the time to get a clear understanding of how to read and interpret the labels on the products you buy! The following ten items listed below the most important to have present on a label to ensure you're buying from a trustworthy and transparent brand!

1. The total milligrams of what is in your bottle & if it has THC or not. Our tinctures have 2000 mg of CBD in each bottle. Our tinctures come in 2 varieties (Full Spectrum & Broad Spectrum THC Free) - Full Spectrum means that the product has .3% THC in it. It is not enough to produce a psychological effect or make you feel 'high'. THC and CBD work better together (It's called the Entourage Effect) - Broad Spectrum THC Free means that the product has all the plant components (cannabinoids and terpenes) EXCEPT for the THC.
2. Brand Name: This ensures you know what company is selling the product. It allows you as the consumer to do due diligence and research the company's you buy from.
3. Total Milligram PER 1 ml. In our product, one full dropper (1 ml) contains 66 mg of CBD. This is important to know so your dosing can be tracked and monitored. Since there are no hard dosing guidelines for CBD, it is important for everyone to start with a low dose and increase slowly! Everyone's dose is going to be individualized to them.
4. Net Weight: Net Weight is important to note because in many products there is an allowable amount of certain elements (according to the FDA). This refers to the allowable amount of pesticides or other contaminants allowed per net weight. Don't stress- we don't use pesticides on our hemp and all our flower has been full panel tested to show that our product is clean and trustworthy!
5. Type of oil shows if your product has THC or not. Full Spectrum contains all the plant components (including .3% THC).

6. Manufacturer: Knowing where your product is manufacturer is imperative. This is important because most of the hemp in the United States is imported from China. Your label should include the physical address of the manufacturing facility.
7. QR Code: To access the Certificate of Analysis for your product, you just point your open camera on your phone at the QR code and it will take you directly to our Batch Number section on our website!
8. Batch Number: Batch numbers should ALWAYS be provided on a label of a product. Batch numbers are specific to each batch of CBD that is extracted and bottled. Each batch should come with a Certificate of Analysis specific to your product! The certificate of analysis will tell you the contents and potency of your product.

9. Product Warning: If there are any warnings for your product it should be listed on the label. Ours states that this product should be kept away from children and pets. The reason ours states this is because certain essential oils that adults ingest may be toxic to pets. And children will eat anything without the knowledge of dosing. So it's best to keep it out of reach from children & pets!
10. Suggested Use: Directions on how to use the product. This includes where to place the product on/in your body

11. FDA Disclosure: The FDA has not regulated the CBD industry. Plain and simple this warning shows that our products have not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Use at your own discretion and please consult a dr. before you begin use!
12. Ingredients: It is so important to know what you are ingesting from your products. All labels should have the full ingredients listed on them.
13. Nutritional Facts Box: All supplements should have this facts box. It will tell you the active and inactive ingredients of your product. It should also tell you the dose per serving size.
14. Website: A website for the company you're purchasing from should be on the label. This way you can check out the comanpy and vet them.